Jun is totally the head of concerts planning. He kept giving out instructions but at the same time he also asked for the other members' opinions. And Sho seems to be his closest assistant since he kept asking him, "How about that, Sho-kun?" "Do you think you can do this, Sho-kun?" They also discussed their roles during the greetings and MC part.

Sakumoto were so good assisting each other during the rehearsal. Once in a while, Jun asked for Sho's opinion.

JUN: "What about... here?"
SHO: "Looks good. I think here will do."
Reminds me of when Jun thanked Sho in a magazine once for always helping him with the concerts planning
это восхитительно!
они работают вместе! тесно, дружно, профессионально!
плечом к плечу!
главный распорядитель и его ближайший помощник, первый зам!
насколько повысился теншен после 2009 года? м?