Джун в сто раз добрее, чем кажется!(с)А
[Only Star 3.11] Arashi - Go on a musical journey with us!

I wonder what I did? Erm, we returned in the evening. Hang on, I’ll get my organizer! (Sho gets up to retrieve his organizer from his dressing room.) I had dinner with my family. I was busy before the Hawaii concert, so I couldn’t get together with my family. So after I returned, we got together and had Western food. (с)
куунечка! ему органайзер понадобился, чтобы вспомнить, что он делал после возвращения с Гаваев - ел западную пищу, ЛОЛ! а чо западную?
Well, everyone’s been going “Arashick, Arashick,” but I’ve never used that term before. (laughs) I wanted to define the term properly.* “My Fellow” refers to comrades (including Arashi), Actually, those were President Obama’s first words in his inauguration speech.
* Sho starts to explain the English words in Japanese from this point on, so it’s going to sound a little strange, since I’m using English to explain English words.
T/N: It was hinted at that Sho is an admirer of Jon Favreau, Obama’s speech writer in a 2012 WITH interview. You can read more about it here.
мм, объяснений не поняла...
Шо фанат Обамы?????? божжже
ну, в смысле, речи Обамы, автор речи, первое слово - чоооо?
Sho является поклонником Джона Фаврео, автор речи Обамы в 2012
арашианз тут при чем?
арашик - странно называть так фанатов.
арашианс, арашианцы мне тоже не нравится
вона что!
но обсуждали и предлагали все вместе))
I’ll start with the conclusion and say that like an alien and a vegetarian, I was hooked by the idea that a Digitalian is an individual who lived in the digital world. In the first place, coming from the previous album, we wanted to do something with a digital sound. Amidst that discussion, Matsujun said,
“I’d like to add in a human element.”
Many ideas were thrown up for the title, but when we were in the dressing room during the Osaka Waku Waku Gakkou, it came to me out of nowhere.
Everyone went, “Hey, that sounds great, doesn’t it?”
The more the five of us got psyched up about it, the staff members were really taken aback and said,
“What the hell is that?” (laughs)
If you were to ask me what it meant, I’d say that it’s a word that combines a digital human and an individual who lives in the digital world.
Ask me what that is, and I’d say, “I don’t quite understand it myself.”
I’m sure Matsumoto is now bringing the vision of the album to life for our concert. It must be tough for the people who need to materialize ideas. (laughs)
материализация идей!
ну да, логично! но я даже не!
« When the four members actually dance to the choreography, it often turns out better than how I initially visualized it.»
I didn’t go into specifics, I just asked for something which was rhythmic.
The staff prepared a few songs for me, and I said, “I like this one.”
попросил пару ритмичных песне - и выбрал!
I’ll wait until the inspiration descends upon me, I guess. I sometimes draw a storyboard for the choreography, but I usually don’t take down notes. That’s because whenever a good move comes to my mind, I don’t forget it. (laughs) Firstly, I listen to the song, and once the image pops up, I let the image fill my mind. I then head to the dance studio and try out some moves. There are some moves which stick, and moves which don’t. I play the song and move freely to it. If I spot a good move, then I’ll incorporate it into the choreography.
слушает, видит картинки, пробует движение...
ыыы!!! кайф!!!
27 Октябрь 2014 @ 00:44
[Only Star 3.11] Arashi - Go on a musical journey with us! (2/?)
Ohno and Sho answer questions regarding the album and their anniversary from Only Star's readers! They talk a little about their creative process, and Sho explains how he came up with the term, "My fellow Arashians".
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сначала Лидер доказывает, что он самый воспитанный джентльмен в группе - а потом заявляет, что это ужасно???
Omedetou Arashi!
круть нэ!!!!
Sakurai Sho, Only Star
о чем он, черт возьми??
Джун воплощает альбом в концерт и это жестко и жестоко для него???